Expert workshops
First HEROIC expert workshop
The needs for risk assessment are growing. Key drivers are new policies, rapidly evolving new scientific insights and increasing public concerns about chemical safety. Budget restrictions, along with the need to reduce the number of animal experiments present major challenges for future risk assessment. Therefore, innovative risk assessment procedures must be developed to reduce cost and provide sustainable risk assessment. As existing human and environmental risk assessment practices are largely separated there is potential to better exploit existing data across individual disciplines for integrated risk assessment.
Therefore HEROIC invites experts from government, NGO’s, academia and the business sector to contribute to a discussion on how existing data and procedures in human and environmental risk assessment could best be used across disciplines in the future.
The objective of the first HEROIC stakeholder meeting is to provide a consolidated overview of today’s risk assessment procedures and data requirements and to stimulate a discussion on how existing strength could be further exploited and weaknesses could be overcome. As outlined in more detail in the attached draft agenda the workshop combines plenary sessions for information sharing along with individual breakout sessions where experts could provide input according to their area of expertise.
Download the executive summary of the workshop
Download the agenda of the workshop